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Home > Miscellaneous > Daily Roster
Daily Roster
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The Daily Roster gives a single-day snapshot of your department. Who's working, when they're working, where they're working, what they're doing, any assets they're bringing, and any notes for their day.



Just like the Calendar, the Daily Roster is broken into Groups, and you can swap between Schedule Views using the dropdown. You can also change the date being viewed using the date picker across the top of the page. Each user is listed on their own row, with all their shift info.

Each row is color-coded:

  • Light Grey/White - Shift

  • Dark Grey - Regular Day Off

  • Red - Time Off
  • Green - Supporting Shift
  • Blue - Open Extra Shift

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Interacting with Shifts

These rows can be interacted with by right-clicking them. As a supervisor, this will bring up the same shift editing menu you use on the Calendar. As a basic user, this will bring up request forms.


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Exports & Extra Shifts

Daily Rosters can be exported in bulk, or by group. Extra Shifts can also be added from here if you need to bump up your staffing, just like the blue "Extra Shifts" row on the Calendar. When an Extra Shift is available on the selected day, it can be claimed by right-clicking the blue "Open Extra Shift" row mentioned above.


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Notes & Customization

Group Notes can be applied/edited by clicking the small paper icon on the group you wish to edit. These are the same Group Notes that appear when right-clicking a date on the Calendar. Any notes or date highlights you leave on the calendar will carry over to the Daily Roster, and vice-versa.


The layout of the Daily Roster can be modified by clicking the small gear icon on the group you wish to edit. The menu that appears gives you a plethora of options, including the option to apply your changes to all groups, rather than just the selected one.


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Customize Group

  • Change the sorting order of users

  • Hide/Show Supporting Shifts

  • Hide/Show Time Off

  • Hide/Show users who are working shifts that do not count towards manpower totals.

  • NOTE: Regular Days Off are always shown unless hidden by an admin via the Site Settings page.

Hide/Show Columns

  • The options available here will vary for each department, since everyone has different names for things, but generally include things like ID's, Names, Shift Times, Notes, Assignments, Assets, and other data points.

Re-order/Resize Columns

  • Clicking this will trigger the Daily Roster to go into a "Drag & Drop" mode for each column. Just click and drag each column into the order you wish them to appear, and click the blue "Save" button at the top-right of the group when done.

Copy Settings to Other Groups

  • Once you've tweaked the group layout to your liking, you can copy the layout to some or all other groups on the Daily Roster. Just click into the text field and select one or more groups to receive the changes. Click the blue "Save" button once done.
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