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Home > Miscellaneous > Locking Past Pay Periods
Locking Past Pay Periods
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After a pay period has concluded, you'll likely want to lock them from being altered further. If you're an admin, you can enable and configure Pay Period Locks in Site Settings.


Admin -> Site Settings -> Past Pay Period Locking


Currently, this lock only applies to requests, and does not prevent supervisors from making manual edits to past schedules. We plan to expand this feature in the future to optionally include edit locks as well.



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Lock Requests But Not Manual Changes

Prevents request submission once a pay period locks. Supervisors can still edit shifts in locked pay periods manually. If a request from a previous pay period is still pending when the lock engages, it can still be approved/rejected by a supervisor, or the user can cancel it. They just can't submit new requests.


Lock Timer

Only appears if a pay period lock is chosen above. Allows you to specify how long the system should wait before engaging the lock. This Lock Timer begins its countdown as soon as a pay period concludes.



User Experience

Request options will be removed from the request menus, and a message will inform users that pay period is now locked.


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If a request from a previous pay period is still pending when the lock engages, a red warning message will display on the request, informing the user of their options.


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