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Our site works well across all modern internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari).


Internet Explorer, however, is nearing obsolescence. In fact many would argue that it has already reached it. So, while our site does work on Internet Explorer, you may encounter occasional hiccups or non-functional features, simply because Internet Explorer does not support the modern features used on many of today's websites.


As for which browser our site works best on, that would be Google Chrome, but any of those other modern browsers should function adequately as well.

How do I train my department for Pace Scheduler?

Use our Quick Start Sheet.


Which tab would I go to if I wanted to see if my friend is working with me next weekend?
"Calendar" Tab


If I want to send a quick snapshot to my spouse of all my shifts for the next couple weeks without the rest of the dept. on there, which tab would be the best choice to use?
"My Schedule" Tab

My supervisor is making the calendar for next month, and needs to know when I can work, where would I go to let him/her know this info?
Use the Availability (formerly "My Preferences") Tab. Also, check out the Availability Submission Tutorial.


I need to get today’s roster over to the head office, so that they know where everyone is at for the day. Which tab would I use to find this info easily?
"Daily Shifts" Tab.  If the head office does not have a login to the Scheduler site, you can export the Daily Shifts page and send that to them.

As a regular user, how do I begin creating a request for things that only affect MY schedule, such as time off, OT, a certain assignment, etc.?
Right-Click one of my shifts. Also, check out the Time Off Request tutorial.

There should be a GIF here!


As a regular user, how do I begin creating a request for things that affect both mine AND another person’s schedule, such as a trade or a shift cover?
Right-Click on someone else’s shift, particularly the one you want to trade/cover.

There should be a GIF here!


As an Admin/Supervisor, how do I change specific things around for ONE DAY/SHIFT on someone’s schedule?
Right-Click on that day. This will open the tooltip that allows you to edit the shift in essentially any way.Shift-Edit Tooltip tutorial


If someone didn’t send in a formal request for a week of vacation, how can I quickly put that vacation into their schedule?
Left click the day they are taking vacation, then simply type in the vacation abbreviation and hit the Enter key. Do this for each vacation day. Whatever you enter will apply to their entire shift (i.e. a full shift off, not a partial shift).

I need to check out the calendar for next month, how do I do that?
You can adjust to current calendar period you are viewing in the top left of the calendar window. 

There should be an image here!


There are so many names on this schedule, how do I filter the schedule down to a smaller one?
Click the menu with the 3 dashes in the top-left of the calendar page, then select the schedule you want to see.

There is a basketball game this weekend, and I need 2 extra people to work it, but I don’t know who would be willing to work. How do I find 2 people to work it, and schedule them in easily? (Hint: This is a two-part answer)
Create 2 extra shifts by right clicking the extra shift cells on those days and selecting “Add shift(s)”. Next, send a message blast to everyone that is eligible for those extra shifts saying they are available. Those people can then submit “Claims” that you can approve or reject. Extra Shift/Message Blast tutorial


I absolutely, positively need 5 people working at all times, how can I easily monitor how many people are working?
Reference the minimum staffing rows at the bottom of each group that has a minimum staffing requirement.

Several people in my department work the same shifts and the same days of the week all the time, do I need to schedule each day one at a time, or is there a quicker way to schedule them?
There is a quicker way, the “Add Permanent Shift” button in the top-left of the calendar.


What is a quick way for me to see info such as someone’s phone number or time bank balances, right from the Calendar?
Right click their name on the grid.

There should be a GIF here!


Where is the “Message Blast” feature located? What can I use it for?
In the tooltip that appears when you right-click a cell on the Extra Shift row. It can also be found in the Admin tab, on the right side of the screen, in the box titled “Message Blasts”. Message blasts are used for sending emails and/or texts to specific individuals, groups of people or shifts, or the entire dept. all at once. 

There should be a GIF here!


Can I edit items directly on the Daily Shifts page?
No. The only item on the Daily Shifts page that is directly editable is the group note that is at the very top of each group (the little paper icon) 

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