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Home > Miscellaneous > Custom Lists
Custom Lists
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When evaluating pending requests, you may want to see how much overtime each person already worked, the last date they took time off, or perhaps how many times they’ve worked a special detail. To address this concern, we have the “Custom Lists” feature.


Create a New Custom List


First, go here: Admin -> Employees -> Custom Lists



Click “New Time Off Type List”

  • NOTE: The page may say “Time Off Type List” at the top, but rest-assured you can still select OT and Special Assignments for these lists, you don’t have to only select Time Off Types.


Give your new list a name, then select a “List data type”. There are 3 types as of this writing.



  • Adds up all the hours within a certain time period that match your selection.
  • e.g. 24 hours of Court OT in the past month.


  • Identifies the most recent shift matching your selection. You can sort this list from most recent to least recent, or vice-versa.
  • Important: ANY OT shift qualifies for this list, even if they just worked 30 minutes of OT, it will be considered the “most recent OT Shift”.


  • Adds up all shifts within a certain time period. (e.g. 3 shifts of Court OT within the past month.)






Access Your Custom Lists


After a list has been created, it can be found on the side of the “Pending Requests” page as a blue button labeled “Show Lists”.


Clicking this button to see your lists. You can only view one at a time, but you can quickly switch between lists using the dropdown arrow near the list’s name. This dropdown is also where you can change list filters/settings on-the-fly, using the “Filter List” option.


This list updates every time you load or refresh this page. Use this list to supplement your decision making process for requests. Perhaps you have 2 people that both want to work an extra shift, but you aren’t sure who to choose. You could just pull up a list of their OT hours on that same page to see who has more.


Click the grey “Hide Lists” button to close the list area one you're finished.




Things to Keep In Mind


The examples given above are arbitrary. You get to configure which items and date range your lists evaluate, it doesn’t have to evaluate OT, or monthly, you can mix & match.


What you configure here is just the list’s default settings. When you pull up a custom list on the Pending Requests page you'll be able to change the list's settings on-the-fly as well.


  • e.g. If you select a “monthly” period, but later decide you only want to evaluate 1 week, you can change this on the list itself, you aren’t locked in.
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