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Home > Administration > Site Settings
Site Settings
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Custom Employee Attributes
Allows you to add additional, custom fields to employee profiles, such as a field dedicated to payroll ID’s. These custom fields will appear at the end of employee profiles.



Custom Special Type Attributes
Allows you to add additional, custom fields to Special Types & Designations. These custom fields will appear at the end of each special type/designation’s profile.



Availability Minimum Staffing




Show Roles on Calendar




Highlight Saturday/Sunday
Applies a light shading to Saturdays and Sundays on the Calendar.



Highlight Current Day on Grid
Applies a light coloring to the current date’s column on the Calendar.



Highlight Column & Row on Grid for Cursor Crosshairs
Applies a light coloring to the column and row that your mouse cursor is currently hovering over on the Calendar.



Grid Cell Overflow Text
If an abbreviation is too long to fit within a Calendar cell, this setting determines how the surplus text should be handled.


    Surplus text will be hidden.
    Surplus text will overlap the neighboring cell(s).


Simplify Staffing Totals (RECOMMENDED)
Replace the Minimum Staffing aggregate on your Calendar with with simple Checkmarks and X’s. You will still have the ability to right-click a staffing cell to see an hour-by-hour breakdown of your coverage for that shift/timeframe.



Assignment Assignments Module
If your department uses Assignments, Beats, Sectors, Areas, Zones, etc., this module was built for you. Enabling this will module add the corresponding tab to your Scheduler dashboard.


  • NOTE: The word "Assignment" is duplicated because this term can be customized for each Scheduler site. If your department calls them "Beats" instead of "Assignments", this setting will say "Beat Assignments Module" instead.


User Pending Action Visibility
Should everyone be able to see each others' pending requests? Or, should pending requests only be visible to Supervisors and Admins?



On Call Enabled
If checked, you will have access to our built-in Call feature. If your site already uses a Special Assignment for Call Shifts, stick with that instead, as this is primarily a legacy setting.



Payroll Report Category Order
Dictates the order that payroll categories are displayed with on Timesheets.



Payroll Report Weekly Subtotals Enabled
Displays weekly subtotals on Timesheets, helping you portion your calculations for each week, rather than an entire pay period.



Payroll Report Group Subtotals enabled




Payroll Report Hide Empty Rows Enabled
If checked, timesheets will only display non-zero data. In other words, an item’s row will only appear on timesheets if that item was actually scheduled for the selected period. Enabling this should keep your timesheets more concise and efficient.



Payroll Report OT Earned as Pay Multiplier Calculations enabled
If this setting is enabled, OT that was chosen to be paid out will be listed on Timesheets with the resulting number of hours, post-pay rate multiplier.


  • e.g. If Court OT earns as a 1.5x rate (time & a half), and someone works 4 hours of Court OT, and chooses to have those hours paid out rather than banking them, their timesheet will list 6.0hrs, instead of the raw 4.0 hours.

If this setting is disabled, the raw hours will be listed instead.


Payroll report OT Earned as Comp Time Multiplier Calculations enabled
If this setting is enabled, OT that was chosen to be banked will be listed on Timesheets with the resulting number of hours, post-pay rate multiplier.


  • e.g. If Court OT earns as a 1.5x rate (time & a half), and someone works 4 hours of Court OT, and chooses to bank those hours earned, their timesheet will list 6.0hrs, instead of the raw 4.0 hours.

If this setting is disabled, the raw hours will be listed instead.



Banked OT Deposit Timing

ON SUBMISSION - Deposits banked OT hours immediately after request approval/being added to the schedule, even if the shift lies in the future.

DAY OF SHIFT- Deposits banked OT hours as soon as the date in question arrives. The shift can be added to the schedule ahead of time, but the time banks themself will not receive the deposit until the shift’s date arrives. Keep in mind that those hours are still flagged for future deposit, so your users can use our Projected Balances feature to factor those upcoming shifts into their time bank decisions.

END OF PAY PERIOD - Deposits banked OT hours as soon as the pay period containing them concludes. The shift can be added to the schedule ahead of time, but the time banks themself will not receive the deposit until the pay period containing that OT shift concludes. Keep in mind that those hours are still flagged for future deposit, so your users can use our Projected Balances feature to factor those upcoming shifts into their time bank decisions.


Overtime as Comp Time Codes Enabled
If enabled, OT that is banked (rather than paid out) will receive its own unique pay code, separate from OT that is paid out. Once enabled you can customize the new code on the OT’s profile in the Admin Tab.



Show only certain groups on calendar
If enabled, nothing will immediately change on the Calendar. However if you now edit a Group in the Admin Tab, you will be able to hide groups from appearing on the Calendar/Daily Shifts Tabs. The groups themselves remain intact and you can swap people in and out of them for organizational purposes, just like any other group.

These hidden groups will also still be included on things like Message Blast menus, reports, and other areas of the system where groups are used for organizational purposes. “Hiding” them just keeps them from displaying like a schedule.



Advanced Minimum Staffing Enabled
Used primarily by Pace staff to accomodate departments with specialized staffing requirements. Enabling this setting will add additional fields to the Minimum Staffing settings menus.



Trades switch employee groups
If a trade occurs, the users involved will have their respective Groups switched behind the scenes, but just for this one shift. This doesn’t actually move them to the other group on the schedule, it’s more of a behind-the-scenes setting that we recommend you keep enabled.



Account for Daylight Savings Time
Allows you to choose how Daylight Saving Time should be handled in the Spring and Fall.



Multiple Assignments enabled

  • NOTE: This setting is only relevant if the “Assignment Assignments Module” (from above) enabled for your site.


Next Day Shifts Enabled
When a shift spans midnight, which day do you display that shift on the schedule? For example, you may have a shift that starts at 10:00pm Monday and runs through 6:00am Tuesday. Would you want that shift to appear in the Monday cell, or the Tuesday cell on the calendar?


  • NOTE: Enabling this setting just unlocks the ability to mark certain shifts as “Next Day Shifts”. You still need to edit your “Standard Shifts” in the Admin Tab to tell the system which shifts you want to behave this way.


Shareable Contact Info

The items selected from this dropdown here will be viewable by all users with either the "Can View Shareable Contact Info" or "View/Edit Employees" permission.

  • If a user has the "View/Edit Employees" permission, they will be able to view shared contact info, even if they don't have the "Can View Sharable Contact Info" permission itself.
  • The "Can View Shareable Contact Info" permission is primarily intended for regular users, so they can see things like emergency contact info, without giving them access to the user's other info, such as bank balances.
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