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Home > Miscellaneous > Inviting New Users
Inviting New Users
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To properly invite new users to your Pace Scheduler site, use the following steps (NOTE - if your department uses Single Sign On (SSO), the steps will be different):



1. Navigate to the Admin tab, and select "Employees":


2. Click "Edit" for the user you wish to invite:





3. Enter the user's email address as shown below, then scroll down the page and hit "Save":






4. When you add the user's email address and hit "Save," it will send them an email with a link to get logged in - a sample is shown below:





5. When the user clicks on that link (or pastes it into their browser), they will be taken to a page to create their password:





6. Once they enter a password, confirm it by typing it again, and click the "Set Password" button, they will receive the message "Your password has been set successfully":



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