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Home > Administration > Adding Outside Coverage for Minimum Staffing
Adding Outside Coverage for Minimum Staffing
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Adding Outside Coverage for Minimum Staffing


If you need a user from an outside Group to count towards Minimum Staffing counts in specific cases, you can add a Special Type (Special Assignment/Overtime Type), and add it to the Minimum Staffing rule.


1. Adding a Coverage Special Type item


The first step is to add a Special Assignment/Overtime Type for this coverage situation. For our example, we'll create a Special Assignment called "Patrol Coverage" - this will allow users who aren't in the Patrol Groups to count when they're covering for Patrol.


First, we'll go to the Admin Tab -> Special Types & Designations -> Special Assignments, and create a new Special Assignment:




We'll set it up as shown below:





Make sure you check this checkbox:





Once you've finished, click "Create" at the bottom of the page. Now, we're ready to go to the Minimum Staffing rule and add this new item to the rule.


2. Adding the new item to the Minimum Staffing rule



Go to the Admin Tab -> Shifts & Coverage -> Minimum Staffing, and open up the Policy you want to add this item to. Then, left-click one of the boxes for the rule you want to add this new "Patrol Coverage" item to:





Then, click into the box labeled "Add Assignment or Overtime," and add the new item we set up:





Click "Add" at the bottom of that window, and the change will be complete.



Now, if you assign that new Special Assignment to anyone on the schedule, and their shift is in the right Group, they will count for Minimum Staffing numbers - regardless of what their Job Type is.


For example - we'll go to our Investigations Group, and assign "Patrol Coverage" to one of the Detectives (who would normally not count towards Patrol staffing numbers).


We'll edit DET Garcia's shift in this example. First, we'll right-click to edit his shift, and then make sure to change the "Group" to "Day Shift" (one of our Patrol Groups):





Now that he's in the right Group for that shift, we can add our "Patrol Coverage" item to the shift:





Scroll down, and hit "Save" - now we're ready to check our "Day Shift" Patrol Group.


As we can see, DET Garcia is showing up in the Support Row (since he's normally in the Investigations Group):




And we can see that DET Garcia is counting towards Day Shift Minimum Staffing, since we gave him that "Patrol Coverage" item and added it to the Minimum Staffing rule:



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