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Home > Reports & Payroll > Hour Totals and Exports
Hour Totals and Exports
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This report offers a comprehensive analysis of hour allocations within your department, presenting sum totals for each hour type and bank. It provides valuable insights into the distribution of hours, both at the individual employee level and for the department as a whole. By examining this report, you gain a bird's-eye view of your department's hour allocations, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize resource management. Furthermore, the page includes a convenient custom export feature, allowing you to seamlessly integrate the data into your Payroll software for streamlined processing and analysis. It serves as a valuable tool for effectively monitoring and optimizing hour allocations within your department.


General Layout

This report offers a range of flexible filtering options to suit your specific needs and requirements. You can utilize the following filters to customize and refine the report:


Filter by job type: Focus on specific job types within your organization to gain insights tailored to those roles.
Filter by group: Narrow down the analysis by selecting specific groups or departments within your organization.
Span-specific date ranges: Define specific date ranges to examine hour allocations within desired time periods.
Compare totals to previous years: Evaluate year-on-year trends by comparing current totals with historical data.
Obtain OT totals for people: Access overtime totals for individuals, including information about their chosen pay preferences.
And much more: Explore additional filtering options and functionalities to further refine the report and extract the desired insights.


These versatile filtering capabilities empower you to delve into the data, uncover meaningful patterns, and make data-driven decisions based on your unique requirements.


Sortable Columns


To sort the report based on a specific column, you can easily accomplish this by clicking on the header of the respective column. This allows you to sort the data in either ascending (low-to-high) or descending (high-to-low) order, providing you with the flexibility to organize the information as per your preference.


Additionally, if you require more detailed information about a particular individual, you can simply click on their name. This action will conveniently navigate you to their corresponding timesheet for the selected pay period, granting you access to comprehensive insights specific to that individual.


These intuitive functionalities enhance your ability to navigate and explore the report efficiently, enabling you to analyze the data effectively and obtain the desired information effortlessly.



Time Off Bank Changes


For obtaining the total count of a specific individual and tracking changes in their bank during the selected period, you can refer to the far-right section of the report. By scrolling to this section, you will find the relevant information you seek.


To interpret the data, focus on the numbers presented outside and inside parentheses. The number outside the parentheses indicates the change in hours within the individual's bank for the specified pay period or date range. On the other hand, the number inside the parentheses represents the current balance of hours in their bank during the given time frame.


This insightful data empowers you to monitor and analyze the fluctuations in an individual's banked hours, providing a clear understanding of their accumulated hours and any adjustments made during the selected period.

By leveraging this information, you can make informed decisions and effectively manage the allocation of hours for each individual, ensuring optimal resource utilization within your organization.



Sum Total Row


Within this report, each individual is represented by their respective row. However, at the very bottom of the report, you will find a sum total row that consolidates the data from all the columns for the individuals included in the current report.


It is important to note that if you require totals for the entire department, you must ensure that no group or job type filters are applied. These filters can be found at the top of the report. By removing any applied filters, the totals displayed will encompass all individuals within the department, providing a comprehensive overview of the collective data.


This approach allows you to obtain accurate and inclusive totals that reflect the entire department's hour allocations, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of resource utilization and providing valuable insights for decision-making and departmental planning.



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