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Home > Miscellaneous > Frontline Training Tracker Configuration
Frontline Training Tracker Configuration
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Before we begin, please contact Pace Support ([email protected]) to ensure the Frontline Training Tracker import functionality is enabled on your site. It will be shown here if it's enabled. Once enabled, you can configure it using the below instructions.

Initial Configuration

For every Training type, the name of the Training type in Pace Scheduler must match the name of the Training type in Frontline Training Tracker. In the event a type in Frontline Training Tracker does not match up exactly to a type in Pace Scheduler, Pace will default to using the first Special Assignment with "Training" in the name. If you only have a single Training type in Pace called "Training" or something like that, then you can ignore this step, as the import will recognize and use that type.

For every Employee in Pace Scheduler, there is an ID field. Ensure this Pace ID matches the employee ID in Training Tracker for each person.

  • This field may have a different label than "ID" on your particular site, but its location will be the same as shown in the picture linked above.
  • If you have different ID's in Pace than Time Tracker, then you can create new fields in Pace on employee profiles that are dedicated to Time Tracker ID's. To do so, follow this support articlePlease notify us if you have done this for your site, as we will need to re-map the upload so that it knows to use this new profile field instead of the standard Employee ID field.
    • e.g. Perhaps you're using the ID field in Pace for their badge number, rather than their payroll ID, training ID, etc.


Important Areas to Check Before Importing

In Frontline Training Tracker, it's important that the Frontline data only reflects the actual days this person will be training. For instance, if you list the entire 9/1/2019-12/1/2019 span of time as Training dates, this import will attempt to add a training day to EVERY single day in that range, 7 days a week. I'm sure this is not what you intend to happen, so be sure that the data you upload to Pace only lists the legitimate training dates, not just a general range of dates.

Perform the Import

  • From the Frontline system, go here (Reports -> Scheduling Export -> (create your filters) -> Click 'Search' -> Click the green Excel Export button in the upper right). This will download the export that you'll use in the next step.
  • In Pace Scheduler, go here (Admin Tab -> Shifts & Coverage -> Upload Training Data).
  • On the page you arrive at, you can upload the file. After you click 'Submit', it will take care of the processing and send you an email with a report of what happened once it finishes. It will also tell you of any errors/conflicts it ran into (for instance, a training day scheduled on someone's Vacation day).
  • The way it uploads the data is by looking at the date ranges for every line in the Frontline Training Tracker export. It then goes through every date in that range for the line, and attempts to change each day on the Pace schedule to a Training day for that employee. It will ignore any days in Pace Scheduler that have already been assigned a Time Off or Overtime for that person. 

Finally, if you would like us to perform a test import the very first time, prior to the real one, we'd be happy to do this. Just send over the Training Tracker Export letting us know what you've already configured, and we'll give it a go. This will give us a chance to ensure everything is hooked up properly.

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