Aug 24, 2022
VIDEO - Payroll Export (Access & Setup)
Below is a written form of the steps required to setup your payroll export (same as is outlined in the above video):
Once we have created a CSV Payroll export for you it will at as a starting point, but this will need to be tweaked to match your exact payroll codes before it will be operational. To look at where this export currently stands, you can do the following:
- Log in and go to the "Admin" tab at the top
- On the right hand side, click on "Reports" -> "Hour Totals and Exports"
- Filter on any date range you wish
- Click on the new "CSV Export" button to download the data. This is the file you will then upload to your payroll system to populate all of your payroll data for that date range.
To get the codes in Pace to match your codes in your payroll system, you will want to do the following to setup your pay codes and payroll ID's:
- Update all of the Overtime and Time Off Type codes. To do this, go to the "Admin" tab, and then on the right hand side under "Special Types & Designations" click on each of these links: "Overtime Types", "Time Off Types". Ensure that the "CODE" field is set properly for every type, and update it if it isn't set correctly to match whatever code you are using in your payroll software. Leave the "CODE" field blank for any types that you do not want to be included in the export.
- Fill out the "Payroll ID" field for each employee. To do this, go to the "Admin" tab, and in the list of all employees, click "Edit" next to each employee and fill out the "Payroll ID" field at the bottom. This is a new field that needs to be filled out for each employee in order for tie each person in Pace to the correct person in your payroll system.
- In some cases there may be more or less steps required for your payroll system than we have detailed in this general support guide, please keep a lookout for your initial payroll export setup support ticket which will be specific to your payroll export needs.
- Finally, if you have any additional changes that need to be made to the export just let me know by email. Some common things you may want me to update are the code used for "Regular Hours" which is setup on our end and used to populate the report.