If you just joined Pace Scheduler, welcome aboard! Below you'll find, in order, all of the key parts of our software that you'll want to take a look at and possibly tinker with during your onboarding. If your department has already onboarded to our software, and you're just a new person at your department, ignore the "Onboarding Meeting" items in the list below, as those only pertain to the onboarding process.
Obviously this guide is not exhaustive, but it should help you hit the ground running! Be sure to check out the rest of our Support Center for additional resources. If you still can't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to submit a new ticket from the Support Center, or email us at [email protected]
Be sure to share our Quick Start Sheet with your entire department, so everyone can begin learning immediately. You can also download it from "Attachments" section of the sidebar on this page.
The dashboard will remain visible at nearly all times, and is comprised of several tabs that lead you to different key areas of your site. Each of these tabs are detailed below, including links to any relevant support documentation.
Allows you to view your daily lineups, including who is working, when, where, what assets they have, notes, and more.
This is where you can view the schedule for numerous people across numerous dates. You can interact with this schedule directly by clicking on the calendar cells, among other tools. This is where you'll spend the majority of your time. It includes schedules themselves, Extra Shifts, Supporting Shifts, Minimum Staffing, Message Blasts, and more.
- Calendar Grid
- Calendar Grid (Advanced) - Part 1 of 2
- Calendar Grid (Advanced) - Part 2 of 2
- Calendar Grid Cheat Sheet
- Calendar Grid Interactive Tutorial
- Shift Series (formerly Permanent Shifts)
- Shift Series (formerly Permanent Shifts) - Advanced
If your department utilizes Assignments/Beats/Areas/Zones/Sectors/etc., this tab is dedicated to those items. You can assign these from the Calendar Tab as well, but this tab is dedicated to them and offers a better experience if you assign these at roll call.
This is where you'll find your schedule specifically. You can view your schedule on the Calendar and Daily Shifts tabs as well of course, amongst other users' schedules, but if you just want to see your schedule on its own you'll want to use this "My Schedule" tab. This tab functions sort of like a "Greatest Hits" of the Calendar and Daily Shifts tabs, allowing you to manage your personal schedule all in one place. It will also display any currently available Extra Shifts.
This is where you will submit and manage your availabilities. This feature is typically used by part time employees. Your users can input their availabilities here. If you have supervisor permissions over one or more people, you'll be able to view those users' availabilities as well as your own.
This is where you can view/manage your own requests, or (if you are a supervisor) approve/reject the requests of your subordinates.
This is where you can manage all of the numerous settings and configuration options for your Scheduler site. If you are a site admin you will see this tab and have full access to everything within it. If you are not a site admin, but are still a supervisor, you'll still see this tab; however, you will only have access to specific areas within it.
This is where you can modify your profile, change your password, view your bank balances, access your timesheet, and a few other things.
The Support Center includes our Knowledge Base and support ticketing system. The Knowledge Base includes Training Videos, Interactive Tutorials, Cheat Sheets, our FAQ, and numerous other resources to help you become an expert on Pace Scheduler.
Our support ticketing system allows you to submit messages to Pace any time you have questions, concerns, or feedback. You can communicate with us all from this area, however you will still receive emails anytime we reply to your message(s). You can reply from the Support Center, or you can reply directly to that email. You can also generate a new ticket by sending us a message at [email protected].
Customize your Calendar Legend
Ensure everyone is in the correct groups
- Admin Tab -> Groups & Schedules -> Assign Groups
Create additional Schedule Views as needed
Look through the Site Settings and Employee Permissions pages
Try to simulate your real day-to-day tasks using Pace Scheduler.
- Please review our Training Videos, Interactive Tutorials, and Cheat Sheets in the Support Center for guidance here.
Schedule Onboarding Meeting 1 with Pace (once ready)
Please use the software for 1-2 weeks before executing this meeting, that way you have time to familiarize yourself with it and compile questions. Please keep a list of questions as you progress, so we can address them all during the Onboarding Meetings. You should have received a link to schedule Onboarding Meeting 1 in the "Site Creation Complete" email. That is the email that was sent alongside your Project Lead and Co-Lead's invites to the site itself. If you can't find this link/email, please contact us at [email protected] to request a new link.
- We’ll set up Supervisor Rules together.
- We'll introduce you to Employee Permissions.
- We’ll set up automatic Time Bank Accruals together.
- After all above steps are complete, we'll address any questions you’ve compiled.
- Your site's Project Lead and Co-Lead are required to attend. Please do not include anyone else in this meeting as we want to keep it as focused as possible. Other users can attend Onboarding Meeting 2 down the road.
Invite the rest of your department to your Pace site
Entering a user’s email address into their profile will send them an invite. To edit someone’s profile, click “Edit” next to their name in the employee list (Admin -> Employees -> Employees). Once you enter their email address and save their profile, an email invite will be sent to that user, just like you received when you were invited. The user will set their password using the link provided in the invite email. For more information on Inviting Users, review this article: Inviting New Users
Schedule Onboarding Meeting 2 with Pace (once ready)
Now that you’ve invited the rest of your department to your Pace site, please have everyone (including yourselves) continue using it for 1-2 weeks before executing your Onboarding Meeting 2 with Pace. Again, we want everyone to familiarize with the software and use it to manage schedules, submit/handle requests, etc. Be sure to keep another list of questions as you go so we can address them during Onboarding Meeting 2. We encourage the rest of your users to submit their questions to your list as well, that way we can answer questions for all user types.
You should have received a link to schedule Onboarding Meeting 2 shortly after you executed Onboarding Meeting 1. If you can't find this link/email, please contact us at [email protected] requesting another link.
- The only purpose of this second Onboarding Meeting is to answer any additional questions you may have compiled since Onboarding Meeting 1.
- Your site's Project Lead and Co-Lead are required to attend. Additional users can optionally attend.
You are now considered “Live” and your onboarding is complete! If you requested a custom payroll export on your Data Form, we’ll reach out to the payroll contact you provided us. One of our developers will work with that person directly to craft the custom export matching your needs. If you rejected a custom export on your Data Form we will not reach out. If you ever decide to take advantage of the custom export offer, please reach out to us. It does not cost anything extra.